Grain free dog food, crafted with free range chicken and specially selected vegetables and botanicals for the ideal ratio of protein to fat for a larger dog. With added glucosamine and chondroitin for joint care.
Freshly Prepared Free Range Chicken (26%), Dried Chicken (24.5%), Sweet Potato, Peas, Potato, Chicken Fat (4%), Alfalfa, Dried Egg (3%), Chicken Gravy (1.5%), Salmon Oil (1%), Minerals, Glucosamine (1,700 mg/kg), MSM (1,700 mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (1,200 mg/kg), Apple, Carrot, Spinach, Psyllium, Seaweed, Fructooligosaccharides, Camomile, Peppermint, Marigold, Cranberry, Aniseed & Fenugreek.
Crude Protein 31%, Crude Fat 17%, Crude Fibre 3.5%, Crude Ash 10%, Moisture 8%, Omega 6 2.8%, Omega 3 0.7%, Calcium 1.8%, Phosphorus 1.3%.
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