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Natural instinct Beef bone Broth


Natural Instinct’s Banging Bone Broth is a great addition to your pet’s diet as it has a number of health benefits.

High in amino acids such as glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen Banging Beef Bone Broth can help with joint health and help ease joint pain.

It has also been known to help balance the gut and aid digestion by decreasing inflammation in the gut.

Banging Beef Bone Broth can be used as a healthy treat on its own or used to top your pet’s dinner!

Store in your freezer.

Availability: 2 in stock


  • beefBeef100%


Moisture 93.1%, Crude Protein 7.3%, Inorganic Matter 0.4%, Crude Fibre < 0.1%, Total oil (oil b) <32%


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